Published 9/11/17 in
Published 11/11/17 in kiosk of democracy
I live within the images, the paintings,
the sounds, the illusions.
Daily I dance in places and in hidden spaces
I jump from one image to another seeking
the kind of form reality will take.
I learn to hear,
All and all a single sound IS the universe.
Lost alone in a place of imagination,
I enter everywhere and I observe.
I search for the time that passed,
I look for the time to come.
«Μες τις εικόνες ζω, στις ζωγραφιές, στους ήχους, στις αυταπάτες.
Χορεύω σε μέρη καθημερινά σ απόκρυφα τοπία
Πηδάω απ την μια εικόνα στην άλλη κι αναζητώ,
ποια μορφή θα πάρει η πραγματικότητα.
Μαθαίνω να ακούω,
ένας ήχος όλο το σύμπαν.
Μόνος χαμένος σ ένα τόπο φανταστικό,
Τρυπώνω παντού και παρατηρώ.
Γυρεύω το χρόνο που πέρασε,
Γυρεύω το χρόνο που θα 'ρθει.»
Published 4/8/2018 in
Published 9/4/2018 in kiosk of democracy
No one has ever seen Bahamut
Some think it's a dog
Some think it's a newt
All we know is that the lonely Bahamut
Floats endlessly through all time and all space
With all of us and everything
Floating in a single tear
Of his eye
(Rephrased from the lyrics of the song Bahamut, Hazmat Modine)
Published 31/12/17 in
Published 30/12/17 in kiosk of democracy
When I was just a little boy, every Christmas Eve, before I slept, I would close my eyes and travel high above the earth, searching for the tiny lights, as if I was searching to find the place, Christ was born in, almost like the three Magi had followed the Star of Bethlehem, until I would fall asleep dreaming a Christmas Dream and lose my self in light. Born in Christmas.
At the age of 16 I begun capturing photo snaps with my grandpa’s 6X7 old camera. After finishing computer programming studies in Control Data (1981) and completed my studies as a Civil Engineer (1988) I attended the photography school Focus (1988-1990) where I was privileged to study photography under the supervision of Takis Zerdevas, Plato Rivellis, Nikos Markou and Roula Akalestou and other great photographers and artists, and at the same time I took placement exams for the school of photography, TEI Athens and succeeded (1988). During Christmas of the same year I took part in a photography contest “Greece of 2000” of the “Φωτογράφος» magazine and won the first prize.
Thereafter, I became a professional photographer for a few years which stopped after I decided to pursue a job opportunity related to civil engineering. After that, I continue being involved with photography as a way of expressing myself. Ever since I came to live in N. Evia in 2000, I have become a wonderer and a moment capturer, of an inner photographic exploration of the land and its people. I capture light and its relation to shapes and forms. I search for the infinitely small moment where we can taste beauty and incorporate it once and for all in our private eternity.
I search for words that will help me manifest the poetic logos of photography. Photography for me becomes an eternal pursue of the Human Being, a journey to the centers of my soul, a path to transcendence of this virtual world toward the world of poetry, so that one day I could speak of the unspoken.
Light capturing is one of the reasons I exist. Since 2017 I am a member of “Photography Circle", and an article writer in the electronic magazine iFocus. I was born in Christmas of 1963 and since then Photo graphy ZΩ.
Κείμενο: Νέβι Κανίνια, Φωτογραφίες: Τάσος Μπίρης
01 Μαρτίου 2018
Όταν ήμουν γριά γυναίκα άρχισα να βλέπω ασπρόμαυρα.
Κι εσένα έτσι σε έβλεπα πια.
Τα κεντήματα τα κοφτά στα τραπέζια μετρούσα
Νιφάδες, που δεν έλιωναν.
'Αμα λιώσει το χιόνι
θα ξαναδώ χρωματιστά
Νέβι Κανίνια.
Published 17th February 2017 in kiosk of democracy